Brussel Sprouts – 150g

Original price was: ₨750.00.Current price is: ₨745.00.

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Brussels sprouts, although known for their slightly bitter taste, can win over even the most skeptical taste buds when prepared by roasting them to caramelized perfection. These miniature cabbages have become a staple side dish during Thanksgiving in the United States. However, their versatility extends far beyond the holiday table, making them a fantastic choice throughout the autumn and winter seasons.

Roasting Brussels sprouts is a foolproof method for bringing out their natural sweetness and achieving a delightful caramelized exterior while maintaining a tender and crisp texture. This cooking technique can transform even the staunchest Brussels sprout haters into ardent fans.

In addition to being a delectable side dish, Brussels sprouts offer a wide range of culinary possibilities. Here are a few classic and unexpected ways to incorporate Brussels into your meals:

  1. Salads: Thinly slice raw Brussels sprouts and toss them with a tangy dressing, dried fruits, nuts, and cheese for a refreshing and crunchy salad.
  2. Stir-fries: Add sliced or halved Brussels to your favorite stir-fry recipe for a nutritious and flavorful addition.
  3. Pasta dishes: Roasted Brussels pair exceptionally well with pasta. Toss them with cooked pasta, garlic, olive oil, and grated cheese for a simple yet satisfying meal.
  4. Sheet pan meals: Combine roasted Brussels sprouts with other vegetables and protein of your choice on a sheet pan for a convenient and nutritious one-pan dinner.
  5. Pizza toppings: Use roasted Brussels as a unique and delicious pizza topping. Pair them with other complementary ingredients such as bacon, goat cheese, or balsamic glaze for an extraordinary flavor combination.

When selecting Brussels , look for firm, compact heads without yellowing or wilting leaves. Smaller sprouts tend to be sweeter and more tender. To maximize freshness, store them in a breathable bag in the refrigerator for up to a week.

So, embrace the versatility of Brussels sprouts and explore the multitude of ways you can enjoy this autumn-winter vegetable. Whether you’re roasting them to perfection, incorporating them into salads, stir-fries, pasta dishes, sheet pan meals, or even as pizza toppings, Brussels sprouts have the potential to surprise and delight your taste buds.

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